Wednesday 11 February 2009

Train trend spotting

Posted a few days later than I intended ...
The moral of today is; never trust boys to sort out details. They have no concept of what parts are important and what parts are not! Football is not something I wish to know about, what time you’re picking me up definitely is.

Anyway, hair today is.... well flat, not by desire may I add. As I’m travelling I’ve opted for my trusty boyfriend jumper (quite literally, it’s his old college sports jumper I managed to steal, luckily he thought it was cute), dark blue Zara skinnys and Uggs – the London girl’s best friend. Though come to think of it, my Uggs are in pretty bad shape. New ones are now on my shopping essentials list.

Nothing really jumped out today; everyone was in a suit on the tube. I clearly caught it at the completely wrong time for fashion spotting. The train isn’t much better. I am sat across two off duty policemen, no fashion inspiration there. Though I am pretty astounded by the number of extra pockets, lapels and generally random bits that they manage to accommodate on one shirt!

On closer inspection their ties are clip-ons, something which made me smile.

Have spent the last few days debating about my hair, there are so many short looks around this season. People like Victoria Beckham and Pixie Geldof are sporting the pixie hairstyle, but I am far too chicken to go that short. Especially so soon after a recent hair trauma, involving an enthusiastic hair dresser and some sharp scissors. When I say a trim I usually mean a trim, not a full blown hair massacre. Hair dressers have far too much power if you ask me. I’m in a hair dilemma; maybe middle of the road is the way to go?

To Do List
· Take back the beach dress I bought from Topshop, yes you can go a size too big.
· Buy new Uggs. Do this online though; the queues for the shops have been huge in London since Christmas.
· Start to save for a Roxanne Mulberry bag. £681 to go!
· Stop going on the Abercrombie website, I have far too many jumpers as it is.
· Buy something that isn’t grey of black, I’ve got to get out of this monochromatic rut.

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